Grandes oportunidades de formación en la COMSOL Conference 2019
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- Categoría: Comsol
- Visto: 4493
La conferencia COMSOL Conference 2019, que tendrá lugar el próximo septiembre en Cambridge, ofrece más de 35 minicursos que abarcan prácticamente cualquier aspecto del modelado multifísico. Podrá aprender a través de los instructores, que le guiarán en las mejores prácticas para utilizar el software COMOL Multiphysics® y sus módulos adicionales.
Compruebe los minicursos que se ofrecerán este año:
Teoría y uso del núcleo/Interfaz
- COMSOL Multiphysics® for New Users
- Customizing Your Model Builder Workflow
- Deploying Applications with COMSOL Server™ and COMSOL Compiler™
- Equation-Based Modeling
- Geometry Modeling
- Introduction to the Application Builder
- Meshing
- Parametric Optimization and the Design Module
- Postprocessing
- Shape Optimization
- Solvers 1: Introducing the Stationary and Time-Dependent Solvers
- Solvers 2: More About the Stationary and Time-Dependent Solvers
- Solvers 3: Solving Larger Models
- Topology Optimization
- Update Training: Using the New Multilayered Shells Functionality
- Working with Imported CAD
- LiveLink™ for MATLAB®
- Electromagnetic Wave Modeling
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetics Modeling
- STOP Analysis with the Ray Optics Module
- Laminar and Microfluidic Flow
- Modeling of Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids
- Moisture Transport and Heat Transfer with Phase Change
- Multiphase Flows
- Porous Media Flow
- Particle Tracing in Fluids
- Turbulent and High Mach Number Flow
- Acoustics and Vibrations Modeled with the Discontinuous Galerkin, Time Explicit Interfaces
- Material Models in Structural Mechanics
- Modeling Acoustic Propagation in Fluids and Solids
- Modeling Speakers, Microphones, and Other Transducers
- The Composite Materials Module
- Structural Dynamics Modeling
- Structural Mechanics and Multiphysics
- Battery Modeling
- Electrodeposition and Corrosion
- Modeling in Chemical Engineering
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